Thursday, July 26, 2012

Some of our General Authority Visitors

Elder Mazzagardi of the Brazil Area Presidency toured our mission. He opened our mission as the first mission president here and is also the one who found our mission home. We hear that it's one of the nicest in Brazil.
He visited and taught all of our missionaries while he was with us. Jim and I got to spend a lot of time with him as we drove throughout the mission. He is an amazing self-made man and has a wonderful conversion story.
The missionaries learned so much!
President Costa, next to Jim and I, is the Area President of Brazil. He came to visit a stake conference in our mission. It's really amazing that all of the members of the Brazil Area Presidency are Brazilian converts to the church. The leadership is very strong here.
Elder and Sister Clayton, (next to us) of the First Presidency of the Seventy visited us and spoke to both our mission and the south mission. They are an amazing couple. Elder Clayton admonished our missionaries to learn English. They are now working to follow his advice. Sister Clayton told our missionaries "to be the missionaries their mothers think they are."
This is Elder Ichinosi (I have no idea how to spell his name, but I remember it by thinking of "ithchy nose". He is an Area Seventy here in Brazil, and also has a wonderful conversion story. Notice anything missing in this picture? I forgot my name tag that day. How embarrassing!

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