Friday, July 27, 2012

Feeding the Missionaries

I can't even remember what the occasion was here...but if there's missionaries involved, there's food involved too.
We were trying to fatten this missionary up because he had lost a bunch of weight.
After dinner, we weighed him and he had gained a few pounds.
One of these Elders was in the hospital, so they came and spent the night at the mission home.
Between them they ate two DOUBLE batches of buttermilk pancakes. (somewhere around 30 pancakes)
This cute Elder stayed almost a week at the mission home after surgery on his broken foot.
If I do say so myself, that's pretty nice presentation!
We even celebrated his birthday while he was with us.
The elder on the left was staying with us because his Mom died. It was such a hard time for him. He and his companion stayed with us for a few days.
On most of the holidays we invite the mission staff over for dinner. They're so fun to have around.

This was one of the Sister's P-Days at the mission home. They just love to get together with each other and be in a home together.
This was a sleep-over we had with these three sisters when they were abandoned at the bus station on transfer day. Their bus wasn't going to their area because of an accident. (We teased them that they just made something up so they could sleep over.)
After dinner we watched church movies and had popcorn.

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